waiting to hold you ☏

pushing daisies vr.

portfolio in cui raccolgo i miei pastrocchi prodotti su photoshop in collaborazione con la mia fantasia distorta. + offtopic chatting & my writings
waiting to hold you
« for endings, as it is known, are where we begin. »
watching merlin ,BBC interested?
The truth is that there are a lot of people like you, us, with strange hobbies or talents or gifts and we try to hide it because we're afraid that it makes us seem weird or it will turn people off, but that's a mistake. What makes me unique has brought every person I love into my life. - Ned >> pushing daisies
alice. 20. in love with UK. british accents. lee pace. benedict cumberbatch. richard madden. lotr. game of thrones. sherlock. tom hiddleston. adoring medieval history. books eater. obsessed with cinema and art. writer for hobby.

tabella by zärya ©

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